The Princess Trilogy Narrative

The poem, The Princess Trilogy was written as a reflection of all the women in slavery who endured heartrending torture, rape, interrogation, and heartbreak.

Only a woman will tell you the emptiness she feels when her child is far from home and she cant see or hold him or her.  I cant imagine having my children being taken away, never to be seen again, not knowing what fate by the hands of the slaveowners will befall them. There were hundreds that did not know if their children were alive or dead.

There was hate, maiming, punishment, mind games,  humiliation, ridicule, whipping, beating and branding of women and men. The black people were treated worst than the farmers treat their livestock, now!

The Black Prince And Princess Poem

The bravery, tenacity, resilience, determination, persistence                                                                                                                                           

The survival of the black spirit is remarkable                                                                                                                                                                                    

This is one of the greatest, most awe-inspiring                                                                                                                                                                                 

Magnificent and breath-taking things about a human with the beautiful colour of mahogany.                                                                       

They are dark-skinned but at the same time they shine,                                                                       

They Illuminate, radiate and are the personification of the man worthy.                                             

The  black man tries, he succeeds, he rides the storm                                                                             

He flies on the wind, he battles on the field and comes home                                                                 

His wife and child are the ultimate, the only                                                                                           

The black woman comforts, is the strength and his backbone,                                                             

The lagoon in his eye                                                                                                                                 

The waters of the Nile                                                                                                                                 

She is the bearer of the Martin Luther baby,                                                                                           

When the heavens opened she stepped down and he bowed                                                                                          

The epitome of the dawn, this supreme Ibis is reincarnated into our Prince and Princess angels

The Black Woman Narrative

A Sketch of a black woman

The black woman has come a long way since the days of slavery and overcome a lot of barriers that stood in her way. She has been the mother to quite a few successful human beings and has nurtured a proud nation of influential people. Many of these people have stated when they have been recognised that their role model and person they look up to and was the catalyst for their achievement is their mother. There are many who have singularly raised several children and this is not without challenges and hostile times.

The black woman is very attractive but even she did not have the make-up or accessories to accentuate her beautiful features or dress her hair as white women did in the beginning.  This came over time. Her look is very distinctive and she shines and wows, drawing attention where ever she goes.

I'd say the black woman is the epitome of pride itself. She is gutsy, strong and outspoken because she doesn't want to be walked over, and you believe her when she tells you some do try.

This lady has walked the most difficult walks through the untenable, uneven avenues and persevered and conquered. Her life is a little easier than it used to be but she still  campaigns for better rights for herself and her brothers and sisters.

The Pure Waters Of The Heavens

Sketches Symbolizing The Spirit Of Black Man And The Jamaican Flag


The Cross In Our Hands

The flag Of Jamaica in shield form symbolizing bravery