Elizabeth Ann

A Narrative Of The Poems In Untie These Hands And Hand Sketches

I Am Bound In Chains

The poem I Am Bound In Chains was written by myself as I am from a Caribbean background and a woman of colour. The majority of Caribbean and African people can identify with the history of slavery, It did happen and as I am sure a lot of people know, black, white, yellow and red skinned people it was not pleasant, it was a horrid, degrading, terrifying and soul destroying period of time on this Earth for many, many people.

They overcame and were freed and the relief was a giant boulder of rock from their shoulders. A lot of things happened after slavery ended and they were things that are recorded, their fight to be seen as equal and their rights as human beings. They were free from slavery but still a lot of the elements of slavery still existed, even until this day. The attitude and the power of the oppressor still remain in employment, housing, when purchasing from a merchandiser, in restaurants and public places. The people of colour are still way down the queue.

A lot of things have improved but there is still a lot of progress to be made if black people are to feel equal when they apply for jobs, are on the waiting list for houses or are served first in the queue, the position they were in before the fairer skinned person was offered service.

The Princess Trilogy

Elizabeth Ann's Sketches

These drawings are sketches to accompany the book. I was in two minds as whether to illustrate or to publish without pictures. The praying hands sketch was the one I sent to a graphic artist on an online website to give him an idea of how I wanted the book cover to look. I gave him a discription of the things I wanted to incorporate, like the dove for instance and the rope around the wrist. He did a brilliant job as you can see from the front cover of the book. I was very pleased indeed, for my very first book also.

The First Draft Cover Of Untie These Hands

The Second Draft Front And Back Cover Of Untie These Hands

The Final Front And Back Copy Of Untie These Hands

The Whole Process Of Publishing Untie These Hands - The Princess Trilogy

The whole process of getting the book in the right context, format and shape, from when I first contacted MTP was about 4 weeks. I edited the book and they formatted and chose the type face and print. I had already had the cover designed by a graphic designer on a website just previously before the agreement and contract was signed between myself and the publisher. I am not out of pocket at all, that is what I want to say about MTP, if you read the book and the whole concept it is very good. I'm actually blown away that I have actually got a book published. my eyes glow every time I look at it. I would just like the readers to have a look and give the book the attention it deserves. It is an eye-catching cover and some really lovely poems, incorporating some very beautiful words and phrases.

A sketch of clapping hands and the book Untie These Hands...........                     

 A sketch of love heart hands and the book Untie   These  These Hands...........